Members of Expedition At-A-Glance

Sebastián de Soto


AGI, Pasajeros L.2, E.1258 [June 26, 1535, Sebastián son of Sebastián de Soto and María Barbáz, citizens of Guadalajara, with the viceroy] [certainly seems like him if he was with Mendoza];

AGI, Justicia, 337B [1537, witness (where?), more than 22 years old (b.<1515), answers questions on the characters of various persons, signed (no signature on copy), fol. 852r-853r];

Juan de Solís Farfán


1540, Feb.: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [three horses, native arms, Luna y Arellano's company]

Juan de Solís:

?AGI, Justicia, 272, Pieza 1, “Visita a los escribanos de la Ciudad de México, 1545-1546” [General questions of officials, 1545 [witness is Juan de Solís, does not sign his name];

Rodrigo Simón


Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:5334 [to Tierra Firme, from Palos, Huelva]

Biblioteca del Escorial, Codíce &-II-7, Document #LXXVIII [no date, late 1540s] [personas que pasaron a esta nueva españa luego que paso el marqués e Narváez que son tenidos por conquistadores e no tienen yndios: Rodrigo Ximón];

Bartolomé Serrano


?AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.3443 = Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:3069  [February 5, 1537, Bartolomé son of Bartolomé de Serrano and Constanza López, citizens of Plasencia, to Santo Domingo] (fellow expeditionaries-Pedro Nieto, #3445, Francisco de Santillana, #3447, Juan Navarro, #3448)]


1540, Feb.: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [two horses, elk hide jacket, native arms]


Juan de Santovaya


AGI, Justicia, 259, pieza 2 [visita a don Antonio de Mendoza] [copy of document 19 Sept 1539, fol. 53r lists Juan de Santaraya [sic,  read it as Santovaya] as de a pie in Mendoza’s personal guard];


1540, Feb.: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [arquebus, native arms, footman]

Francisco de Santillana


?AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.3447 [February 5, 1537, Francisco de Santillana, hijo de Juan de Pineda y de doña Constanza de Santillana, vecino de Sevilla, to Peru (fellow expeditionaries-Pedro Nieto, #3445, Bartolomé Serrano, #3443, Juan Navarro, #3448)]


1540, Feb.: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [two horses and a mare, elk hide jacket, native arms, Vázquez de Coronado's company]

Juan de Sandoval


?Calvo, Xalisco, la voz [p.80: fray Daniel y alla en Patlatlan lo fueron a encontrar nuestros hijos... en la tierra de Cibolla con él un español llamado Juan Sandoval... Juan de Sandoval se regresó...] [document from the Nahuatl]

?AGI, Justicia, 258, pieza 1, “Visita hecha al Virrey, 1544” [fol. 781v: Urirapundaro: 27 Nov. 1537, corregidor, 200 peso salary; renewed 3 Dec. 1538]