Pedro, a black

Brief Biography

During the Expedition Juan Jiménez died in Tiguex province from an illness. As required by law, his property was sold to satisfy his debtors and to distribute to heirs. During this process in Tiguex the documentary record mentions Pedro, a black pregonero or crier. It is probably safe to assume that Pedro was a slave brought by the Expedition to serve in that capacity.

Last Known Location
Tiguex Pueblo (NM)
European Social Status


“Disposal of the Juan Jiménez Estate,” in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 27 [Pedro, pregonero in Tiguex, March 1542]; [Pedro, the black, is the pregonero in Puebla, Nov. 4, 1545, regarding the auction of Rodrigo Trujillo's horse (same person in Colima in 1556?]


?AHMC, Caja A2, exp.17 ["Bernardo de Balbuena pide ejecución contra la persona y bienes de Jorge Carrillo, en virtud de las sentencias pronunciadas por el visitador licenciado Lebrón de Quiñones", July 6, 1556; Pedro negro, pregonero, fol. 3r; witness: Pero Sánchez, vecino of Colima, fol. 1-4]


?Enciso Contreras, Testamentos [p.113: reference- AGI, Contratación, 201, N.2, R.3, Goods of Alejo Tello, vecino of Zacatecas killed by Chichimecas in Cuicillo, 1563; 2 Sept. 1563, an old black called Pedro was sold];

?Enciso Contreras, Testamentos [p.183: reference- AGI, Contratación, 202B, N.24 and 203, N.1, R.4, Goods of Hernán Rodríguez de Loarca, killed by Chichimecas on the road from Zacatecas, Guadalajara, Jan. 1565, memoria 22 Oct. 1564, account of the company; Pedro, negro of Zaldivar, is owed 7 pesos; Juan Fernández, herrero, was paid 4 pesos, 6 tomines de aderezo de herramientas; Andrés Pérez was paid 15 pesos two times;17 Jan, 8 May 1565, escribano de sm, Alonso Hernández; 10 May 1565, Pánuco and Zacatecas, Pedro Hernández, estante in both places, is a witness]