Cristóbal Gallego

Brief Biography

Cristóbal Gallego was listed on the 1540 muster as a horseman. He was mostly likely the man sent by investor Guido de Lavezariis to act as his agent. It is possible that the documentary record is lacking for this expeditionary because he accompanied Guido to the Philippines immediately upon his return to Mexico.

Last Known Location
Tepic, Mexico (Muster)
Position on Expedition

pre 1530:

?AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.2283=Boyd Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, I:2528 [Nov. 11, 1516, son of Alonso Rodríguez de Arbeloso and María Días, vecinos of Tuy (Pontevedra)];

?Orozco y Berra in Dorantes de Carranza, Sumaría relación, 403 [signed a 1520 letter, w/Cortés]


?AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.589=Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:7173 [Cristóbal Gallego, son of Andrés Gallego and Catalina Sánchez, vecinos of Berrozal de Salvatierra (Salamanca), a Veragua, April 1535]

?AGI, Indiferente General, 422, L.16 [fol.159v: Dec. 24, 1535, facultad to found a mayorazgo in Spain or in the Indies (this may be the one in Peru, because the expeditionary was a criado)]

?Boyd-Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, I:5127 [origin unknown, came in 1510 to Puerto Rico, conquest of Mexico in 1520, vecino in Honduras in 1536, scribe];

?AGI, Guatemala, 393, L.2 [fol.21v: June 26, 1538, regarding being the scribe;

?AGI, Patronato, 277, N.4, R.213 [July 26, 1538, the licensed scribe for the villa of San Salvador in Guatemala to him]


1540, Feb: Muster in Flint & Flint, Documents, Document 12 [1 horse, native arms]

AGI, Justicia, 202, N.1, R.1 [El fiscal contra Guido de Labazares y su esposa, Inéz Álvarez de Gibraleón, 1551-1560; Sebastián Rodríguez en nombre de Inés Álvarez de Gibraleón muger que fue de Francisco Rodríguez de Zacatula difunto; a witness in December 1550 in the ciudad de México is Francisco de Mendoza, about 26 years old, says in addition that Guido de Labazares also loaned to Don Rodrigo Maldonado; "este testigo vido que a la dicha jornada [Guido de Labazares] envio a un criado suyo que se dezia Cristóbal Gallego y le dio armas y caballos y aderescos de su persona"]

?AGI, Indiferente General, 1964, L.11 [fol.45v: Licencia for Nueva España to Cristóbal Gallego and two criados, August 1548]