Rodrigo Sánchez

town crier

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.78, exp.9 [fol.233: 1 Nov 1574, pregonero, Mexico; no de recaudo chirionero o hariero que haga obligacion en forma de lo traer con buena pano si lo quisiera traer sin prisiones y sino venga con ellas que importa la seguridad y exhaminara a Catalina García widow acerca del matrimonio con la muger y tiene ai y a los contestes que diere; arrest warrant for Rodrigo Sánchez, pregonero, vecino of Veracruz];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.78, exp.13 [fol.287: 18 Nov 1574, town crier in Veracruz; arrested];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.18, exp.22 [fol.350: 2 Dec 1574, rebel, Mexico; all in jail together-Juan Rodríguez, portuguese, Domingo Pérez, and Rodrigo Sánchez, town crier; Rodrigo owes debts and if he pays, he will be released;

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.102, exp.6 [fol.227: Oct 1574, town crier, vecino of Veracruz, married twice; accusation: has lived in New Spain for many years, is married to a woman, whose name they don't know, in the Villa de Llanes, near a pueblo called Zelorio; investigation is authorized; witness knows Rodrigo's father is Juan Saenz de Barro and that Rodrigo has been gone for 10 years and he was married por palabra to María Suárez and that Rodrigo was 20 or 22 when he left; 2nd witness calls him Rodrigo Sánchez de Barro; 3rd witness says he's been gone 10-12 years; 21 April 1574, witness: Pedro de Linares, vecino de Llanes, 50 years old, brother to the father of María Suárez; married Catalina García in New Spain; only 37 years old];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.79, exp.22 [fol.220: 14 March 1575, Veracruz, absolved];
