Diego Díaz

AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.145 = AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.899  = Boyd Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, I:3370 [to Santo Domingo, 1509, estante in Indies 1512, in Cuba 1519, conqueror of México 1520, maestre of a navío in Veracruz, friend of Narváez 1521 [probably too early];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.898 [Isabel Díaz, wife of Diego Díaz, estante en Indias, daughter of Alonso de Córdoba and Teresa Rodríguez, vecinos of Sevilla, and her children Alonso, Baltasar and Gaspar, Dec. 8, 1512] [probably too early];

Actas del Cabildo, Guatemala, 1530-1541 [p.7; witness: 1539, p. 303; portero & pregonero of Cabildo: 1531, p.26; 1532, p.53, 65, 68; 1533, p.102-104; 1534, p. 109, 125; 1535, p.134, 150; 1536, p.155, 159, 180, 181; 1541, p. 318, 342, 344; jailer: 1541, p.324, 328];

Mier y Terán Rocha, La primera traza [II:528, 545: a Diego Díaz received one solar from the cabildo of México in July 1530 within the traza on the Calle Real to Tlatelolco; in the next year he received the grant of a huerta outside the traza; in 1531 this Diego Díaz is described as a stonemason and portuguese];

Millares Carlo y Montecón, Indice y extractos, I:1860 [fols. 40v – 41v: August 8, 1536, Poder especial granted by Diego Díaz, cantero, estante en México, to Lorenzo Juárez to collect a debt of 110 pesos from García de Llerena, estante en México];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.2, E.3991 [Diego Díaz, hijo de Pedro de Díaz y de Constanza Díaz, vecinos de Segura de León, a la Florida, January 26, 1538] [going with Soto];

AGI, Guatemala, 110, N.26 [1539, conquistador of New Spain and Guatemala, encomendero of Chapuli, Zacatlan, Caxeta and Alamapi; vecino of Santiago; went to Guatemala with Pedro de Alvarado; not Cíbola;

APSM, “Bautismos de Españoles, 1536-1746” [fol.66v: Diego Díaz  and María de Vitoria baptized Diego, 28 Nov. 1540 [not if he's on the expedition];

González-Leal, Relación Secreta  [pp. 73-78: long list of persons of mixed residence: includes a Diego Díaz, stonemason];

AGI, Indiferente General, 423, L.20 [fol.669v: August 23, 1543, license to take 2 black slaves (male and female) to Indies;

AGI, Contratación, 197, N.21, R.12  [20 July 1545, Antequera, Juan Gallego, vecino and alcalde mayor of the gold and silver mines of the provincias of Tequeçistlan and Mixteca, gives a summary of the bienes de difuntos; includes: the death of Diego Díez, native of Salamanca, mother was Mari Alvarez de Carrera, died in 1529 [then rules him out]; Francisco de Çiguença, native of Salamanca, albacea was Lorenzo Ginoves, married a daughter of Çiguença; report signed by Gallego, no signature on copy; Gallego ordered to pay certain sums];

AGI, Contratación, 5709, N.5 [1546, Bienes de difuntos, Tello de Sandoval, sent to Spain in 1546] [includes Diego Díez, natural de Salamanca, hijo de María Álvarez de Carrera, a Juan Gallego is his albacea, difunto en Oaxaca, 104 pesos de oro] [died in 1529];

AGI, Justicia, 280, N.3 [1545-49, vecino of Santiago de Guatemala vs Francisco de Trejo, vecino of Gracias a Dios, re:the right to Capulco, Caxeta and Managua];

AGI, Contaduría, 663B [Payments en quitas: to a Diego Díaz, stonemason, 33 pesos, for the extension of a grant from quitas, 1553];

AGI, Contaduría, 664, 1558 [Misc. grants: Diego Días, stonemason, 40 pesos, 14 Jan 1558-14 May 1558, sustenance for his many years of service; and, 40 pesos, defray costs, 14 Mar 1558-14 Sep 1558] [not if he is from Santo Domingo, Spain?];

AGI, Mexico, 207, N.4 [Feb 16, 1562, maestro de canteria, informaciones; 40 years in New Spain; pueblezuelo of Chiconautla; witnesses: Antonio Velázquez Narváez, Pedro de Solís, Martín López; nothing about Cíbola] [probably too early];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD61, Inquisición, vol.104, exp.1 [fol.15: 18 April 1575, Diego Díaz for being married twice; Italiano mestizo; Mexico City; complaint by Mari Téllez, mestiza, native of Mexico, daughter of Licenciado Téllez and an india, 26 years old; says she married Diego Italiano, castizo, in Acambaro, Michoacán, 13 years ago;  warrant for the arrest of Diego Italiano in Cuernavaca; witness: Pedro Nieto, vecino of Cuernavaca, has known Diego Díaz for 12 years, knows that Diego is married in Toluca and in Cuernavaca with Téllez, signed, 40 years old +/- [probably not]; castizo o mestizo, called Diego Díaz o Diego Rodríguez, Diego Italiano, manco del brazo derecho, los ojos grandes, chico de cuerpo, moreno espaldudo quebrado, un diete de los de arriba; could this be the expeditionary, as a mestizo from Santo Domingo and the Téllez connection?, probably not];

AGI, Patronato, 79, N.1, R.6 [1586, méritos y servicios of Antonio Díaz, son of Diego Díaz, one of the 1st conquistadores of New Spain, especially Guatemala; in the list of his father's accomplishments, no mention of Cíbola;

Icaza, Diccionario, #1272 [this Diego Díaz is a stonemason]

Himmerich y Valencia, The Encomenderos of New Spain [Diego Díaz: New Spain 1526, stonemason];

Pereda López, emigracion burgalesa [p.168 - native of Bárcenas, son of Diego Sánchez de Bustamante and María Sanz; 1539 license to Santo Domingo with his wife Sancha Díaz and daughter Juana; Contra and Pasajeros; not expeditionary who is probably from Santo Domingo];

Diego Díaz Vela

 AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol. 65, exp.6, 1572 [fol. 125: Díaz, Diego; this is Diego Díaz Vela];

bachiller Diego Díaz

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.1206 [In August 1576, a bachiller Diego Díaz (45 years old, missing his right hand) states that he has resided in the provincias del Perú for many years; he has come from there with his wife Catalina de la Peña (25 years old, blond and blue-eyed) and children (including daughters aged 2, 10 and 15 and a son 25 years old) ; he is now granted a license to return to Peru [conceivably this could be the expeditionary, but he would have been a boy];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.1167 [fol. 227v: 1576, Licenciado Diego Díaz, license for his wife and children to return to Peru]

Diego Díaz del Castillo

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.496 [In January 1576, a Diego Díaz del Castillo is corregidor of the pueblo of Yzcateupan (including a pueblo of Comala)];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.5-6, segunda parte, 1563 [fols. 317v:January 1563: grant to Diego Díaz del Castillo, hijo de Bernal Díaz del Castillo, vecino de la ciudad de Guatemala, como hijo de conquistador in accordance with a royal cédula, 150 pesos de oro común for the next year];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD72, Real Audiencia, Mercedes, vol.6, 1563 [fol.18: una caballeria to Diego Díez, Tecalhuacan; image 41; this is the son of Bernaldino Díaz del Castillo];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.799 [In March 1576, a Diego Díaz del Castillo is corregidor of the pueblos of Escateupa? and Atenango];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD51, Gobierno Virreinal, General de Parte, vol.1, exp.745 [In March 1576, a Diego Díaz del Castillo is corregidor of the pueblos of Yscateupa? and Atenancingo];

Diego Díaz de Herrera

Actas del Cabildo, Guatemala, 1530-1541 [Diego Díaz de Herrera, 1538, p.249];
