Rodrigo Escobar

AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.644, = Boyd Bowman, Indice geobiográfico, II:4828 [son of Alvaro de Escobar y Sancha González, Benavente, and his criado Francisco Jiménez, son of Juan Jiménez and Inés Sánchez, Aug. 18, 1512] [came w/Columbus in 1502] [w/Narváez in 1520] [too old];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.3, E.2416 [vecino and native of Astorga, son of Rodrigo de Escobar and Catalina Osorio, to Chile, 1555] [probably wrong entrance date];

AGS, Contaduría de Mercedes, 486,3 [Juro a favor de Rodrigo Escobar, vecino of Toledo; juro for 30,000 maravedis sold for 420,000 maravides, 1570; Felipe II;  30 Dec 1569; doña María Fernandez de Ballesteros, his mother, widow of capitan Francisco de Escobar; will of Escobar: Francisca de Treçeno, his deceased wife; names his mother as his heir; signed, no signature on copy; 8 Aug 1572; his mother was from Tasancon; relatives take it into 1666];

AGS, Contaduría de Mercedes, 142,9 [Juro a favor de Ana Sánchez Rodrigo Escobar; 1583; Ana Sánchez is the widow of Juan de Tapia, vecina of Salamanca; Juan de Escobar, vecino of Salamanca, says he is the son of deceased Rodrigo Escobar, regarding a transfer of a juro de renta from Licenciado Miguel Gasco de Velasco and doña Ana Sánchez de Paz to Rodrigo Escobar; worth 307,500 each year; Rodrigo's wife was doña Lucia de Mercadillo; uncle to Juan is Francisco González Mercadillo; there are other children; will: Rodrigo Escobar, son of Juan de Escobar and Juana González, vecinos of Paredes de Nava, is in Valladolid, sick; wants to be buried in the church of Santa Olalla in Paredes; if he dies in Valladolid, then in the villa of Sagaren/Lagaren; Rodrigo's siblings-doña Ynés de Escobar (nun), doña Antonia de Escobar, doña Ana de Escobar (vecina of Valladolid); doña Juana, his daughter married to Francisco de Grijalva; doña María de Escobar, daughter; behests to his criados; other children: Antonio, Juan, Francisco, Rodrigo and Gerónimo de Escobar (varones) and doña María and doña Catalina de Escobar; neice-doña Magdalena; signed, no signature on copy; will is dated 1st Sept 1503; [not expeditionary, maybe the father?]; 5 April 1593 4am, doña Lucia de Mercadillo, died and her will dated 27 March: [something wrong with the 2 dates of the 2 wills]; Lucía's will: she is the wife of Licenciado Andrés de Ynojedo Reynoso, vecina of Valladolid; her daughters-doña María de Escobar, doña Catalina de Escobar; her brother-Francisco González Mercadillo; her children: Antonio, Juan de Escobar, Francisco, Rodrigo, Gerónimo, doña Mara, doña Catalina de Escobar; Juan, their son (vecino of Salamanca), makes a report (5 June 1603) of money distribution, including debts to people in the Indies against his father's property; Rodrigo de Escobar is brother-in-law of Francisco González Mercadillo (brother to Lucia); this witness (age 50) says Rodrigo's will was opened on 27 Dec. 1592 and Lucia's was closed on the 27 March 1593];
