Francisco de Caravajal

AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.2272 [Francisco de Carvajal, natural de Salamanca, hijo de Alonso de Carvajal y de María Rodríguez, vecinos de Salamanca, en San Tomé, November 2, 1516] [not if from Cáceres];

AGI, Pasajeros, L.1, E.3864 [Oct. 8, 1528, the people who accompanied García de Lerma, governor of Santa Marta: Francisco Caravajal] [could agree with 1064] [probably not expeditionary];

AGI, Mexico, 1088, L.2 [fol.187r: Dec. 30, 1532, Francisco de Carabajal, alguacil of the Casa de Contratación; doubtful];

AHP, Legajo 9.142, Oficio 15, 1535 I [reconocimiento: Francisco de Carvajal, calderero (boilermaker), vecino of Sevilla in the collación San Lloreinte, hospital in Triana, 10 May; doesn't know how to write [fol. 345r] [not expeditionary if he came in 1530];

AGI, Indiferente General, 423, L.19 [fol.488: May 31, 1541, license for 2 male black slaves [not if he died];

AGI, México, 1064, L.1\1\, “Informes” [fol.2613v: vecino of Mexico City, native of Utrera, son of Lázaro Calero and Aldonça de Caravajal, his father served in Granada, 4 years in New Spain (came in 1543), married Isabel do Campo, daughter of Santos do Campo and Guiomar de la Cueva [too late for expedition = Icaza, Diccionario, #865]

González-Leal, Relación Secreta  [pp. 81-82: Despues de sacado este memorial han dad las personas siguientes: Francisco de Caravajal] [this is probably the one in Mexico City and not ours who died];

AGI, Mexico, 96, R.4 [no folios: a 1558? list of persons: Rodrigo Ximón, ay dos el uno es un naguatato mançebo honbre de poca calidad ay otro que fue conquistador; Juan Pérez es a conquistador and married and is a espadero, his wife is from Spain; Pero Hernández is a conquistador, married, honbre de poco arte; Bartolomé Sánchez, is a conquistador, married to an Indian, servio al marques del valle de llevar le los bastimentos a las minas; Francisco López is a conqueror, married and a miner for the marques; Hernandarias de Sayavedra is a cavallero and uncle to the viceroy; Alonso López, is a conquistador, not married and criado of Alonso de Avila; Lorenzo Ginovés is a conqueror, married with a woman from Spain, honbre de bien _; Gonzalo Hernández is a conquistador and not married; Francisco Caravajal, don't know who he is; Juan Gómez, don't know who he is; Pedro Sánchez, don't know who he is; Domingo Martín, is a conquistador, not married, primo to Bernaldino Vazquez de Tapia; Alonso López, it is not known who he is];

AGI, Contratación, 471, N.6, R.1, exp.7 [Puebla de los Ángeles and Ciudad de México, November 1565, deals with the goods of an “extranjero” from Vizcaya who died at the mesón of a Juan de León, leaving a quantity of goods, but especially “una carga grande con páxaros canarios en gran cantidad que no se pudieron al presente contar estava la caxa con llave;” during the resulting almoneda, a total of 57 persons purchased 392 canaries (8 others died in the possession of Benito González de Trujillo); Francisco de Vargas, alguazil mayor de Los Ángeles, buys 24 canaries for 12 pesos; an Alonso Hernández buys 6 canaries; a Pedro Hernández, pregonero público, buys shoes, una gorra, un paño, a leather juboncillo, 2 talegas de lienzo; a Juan López, boticario, buys 6 canaries; a Juan Rodríguez, cardero, buys 12 canaries; the widow of an Antón Martín buys 1 canary; a Francisco de Caravajal buys 2 canaries]

AGI, Indiferente General, 2057, N.55 [1576, license for Ana Núñez, vecina of Sevilla, to go to Mexico, wife of Francisco de Caravajal];

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol. 54, exp.1, 1584-87 [Pleito entre Gonzalo Pérez y Pero Hernández y Barbola Arriola (morena libre), su mujer, both vecinos de Veracruz, concerning the building of a house on a contested solar of land in Veracruz; the solar y mesón, across the river from Veracruz, had previously belonged to a Francisco Díaz, vecino de Veracruz (negro libre), difunto (died intestate); Díaz already owned property adjacent to the solar in question, which included an horno para cocer ladrillo; purchase price, 1573, was 50 pesos de oro común; Díaz’ property was auctioned during an almoneda; witness to a 1586 poder from Pedro Hernández to Sebastián Moreno is a Francisco López; a Francisco de Carvajal is juez de los bienes de difuntos en Varacruz in 1587; testimony taken from witnesses in January 1587: first witness is a Juan Martín, vecino de Veracruz, more than 45 years old; the remaining witnesses also appear to be at least 10 years too young];  

AGN, Instituciones Coloniales, GD110, Real Audiencia, Tierras, vol. 67, exp.8, 1587 [fol.184: 23 Oct 1587, Puebla; Francisco Rodríguez contra Francisco Pérez Lorenzo sobre 3 caballerias de tierra and who owns them; vecino of Guexo (Guajoçango is mentioned); farmer; Cristóbal Gutiérrez, scribe of the same city;  pueblo of San Salvador, only 28 years old; Juan de Sandoval, teniente por su magestad, 1585; honbre viejo y hedad decrepita; Francisco de Torres, escribano publico y del cabildo, 1585; witness: Francisco de Caravajal, Juan Gallego; 30 March 1580 Juan Cordero, teniente de alcalde mayor; 1580, Juan Xuáres, escribano de su juzgado; a principal talks about a piece of land called Tlanatitengo; Francisco Perez Lorenzo gives a poder to Francisco de Caravajal; the first finding 3 Sept 1585 that the proofs on both sides may be heard was witnessed by Juan de Villareal, vecino; San Salvador is in the jurisdiction of Guexosingo; insertion of the grant of 2 caballerias to Pedro Xuáres de Aguilera, 1580; a copy was made and certified by Juan Xuáres in the villa de Carrion del Valle de Atrisco, 23 July 1587;  Juan Xuáres, vecino and procurador for Francisco Rodriguez; witness to poder 1587: Juan López; Rodriguez is called morador de la venta y estancia de Tesmeluca on the outskirts of Guex^o; witness in Xalapa, 1583 was Pedro Hernández; Francisco Rodriguez, vecino of the provincia de Tesmeluca; Francisco is 70+ years old in 1583; second finding in favor of Lorenzo, 1586, with witnesses; Juan de Villareal; third finding, 23 Dec. 1587-remitted to Audiencia in Mexico];

Hillerkuss, Diccionario Biográfico, Vol.1 = Hernández Cordero Protocolos, p.204  2)Rodrigo Carvajal and doña Francisca de Figueroa, parents of doña Isabel de Carbajal; vecino of Xuchipila, Nayarit; 1579 witness in Aguacatlan; 1583 paid diezmos in Zacatecas, p.225 [no, he died 1541];

Presta, Encomenderos de La Plata [p. 99, was the maestre de campo in 1547 for Gasca from Panama to Peru; called the demon of the Andes; 10 April 1548, as Gonzalo Pizarro's lieutenant, was executed along with Gonzalo] [not if he died in Tiguex];
